Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Violent Passion

I'm violently passionate about coloring!
And all I want to do is color a banana with a top hat on right now!
But it's okay, I'll wait, I have self control, but I'm going to wait like
I wait for the toast in the morning: VIOLENTLY!
Or like I wait for my coffee to cool down:
I'll scald my tongue:
And then I'll eat my oatmeal:
And it will be dribbling out the side of my mouth because I just burnt my tongue.

I'll walk to school, with a violent swagger,
and I'll shoot change at the toll booth lady
with a pistol, I'll even go to the movies,
with a coloring book and violently color in the aisles!
Because nobody understands how I feel!
I'm violently passionate about coloring,
and nobody will teach me how to draw,
and that wouldn't be such a bad thing,
but there are only so many coloring books
that showcase bananas wearing top hats.

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