Monday, May 14, 2012

Pasta Salad Love Song

Now I've never told this to anyone, but I love
Pasta Salad,
and, I'm going to be honest-
I'm going to slam the strainer on the table-
my love for Pasta Salad
transcends my love of most other things.
"Sorry Dad, you've been like a father to me,
but shut your box, my heart is of an al dente
tube-shaped variety and I have no need for
your cheese-sprinkled sentiments."
So I'm going to make this official.
I'm going to tie the strand because
Pasta Salad, you know all the
spaghetti straps in the world
couldn't arouse my curiosity
like a bowl of your bowties.
It's the truth.
And I know, I know,
you've heard this all before
and from guys with twice the spice,
but I'll change for you-
like the dirty pasta water
I will be boiled anew!
For instance, I know you don't like
the feel of steel wool on your dishes,
I'll work on that.
And you don't like it when I enjoy my lunch
at the local funeral home, that's fine-
I mean Three Bean Salad never cared
but that's all in the past!
I'm just looking forward
to spending my life with your saucy sense of style.
Wait, what?
You got a what in the oven?
Like a dinner roll?
Oh Pasta, baby, entree,
I don't understand!
We were going to go to Italy
together, meet the family.
We had this all planned out.
Okay, you know what?
It's okay, it's okay.
I'll tell you what I'm going to
go to the store, get some
smoked Gouda,
and when I come back we'll
sort all these Sponge Bob shapes
out. Because remember,
I've never told this to nobody,
but I love Pasta Salad.

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