Sunday, May 13, 2012

Train Tracks

Wooden planks
under iron rails
sing a
Thomas the Tank Engine

I turn to my father,
and say:
"I want to be a train,"
he says,
"You want to be a train conductor."

So let's just back it up a second,
reverse the motion of this beast
Go and find the rusted river crossing,
the tinder-shelled bear trap of a bridge
with a browning underbelly

We cross with conviction
then splinter at the sight
of a hand-less man
unzipping his pants
with a hook.

Scrape the lint off your ticket,
implore these vinyl seats for clues.
How many drunken evenings
and afternoons with grandma
did you find?

As it turns out,
you're going somewhere
embedded in the ink of your dollar.

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