Sunday, May 27, 2012

Riding The Subway

Riding the subway gives me all these weird sensations.
I mean, you'll probably be familiar with the first one:
that sort of uneasy, tense, nervous feeling.
This sensation hits me the most when I realize I'm
commingling with the tattered;
the lower class.
Every miscreant
and ragamuffin
the cold streets
have, they're sitting around me;
they're in my
at this very moment.
Uhh, I hate this sensation.

But when this 1st sensation set's in I have
to act fast because
even showing a little sign of fear
on a subway is enough to incite violence,
and hysteria on a subway
is a fast-burning fire.
A fast-burning fire of fear
is what it's called,

But what ever you call it,
it's always around this
part of my subway voyage
that I experience
the second one,
the second subway sensation:
the artificial high of
smoking crack cocaine
out of a spoon

After that sensation the rest of the train ride
is actually pretty good.


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