Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Matchbox Bushido

I want to bring my sword to school
but mom says I shouldn't
do it, even if the bullies
are bigger and scarier than
me; cause it's illegal.

She says I need to use my WORDS!
I need to stand DEFIANT!
I need to start SHOUTING

So I wrote a speech of defiance one day
to stand up to them, and it sounded like this:

You think you can pummel Poseidon?
You haven't met me... apparently!
I'll skewer all your
shish-ka-bobs on souflaki spikes
and make a
Twizzler Pull n' Peel
out of your
you soda-jerk.
Not to mention I'll
cold shank
your face in a cemetery
just to bury your stench
with my socket-wrench
which I brought with me
for the express purpose of
fixing your ugly stupid... face!

It was awesome,
totally liberating,
and 100% earth shattering,
and when I yelled it
at the top of my lungs in defiance
I actually managed to drop the phone right before
that part about his ugly face.

I'd like to think I was being merciful,
like a Samurai.



  1. Hey Ian, just stopping in to let you know that this poem is great. The end was a little confusing, but it rose chuckles from my gullet. Good poem.

  2. Thanks Max! Hope your summer's going swell. Yeah I think you're right about the ending, thanks for the comment! :)
