Monday, May 7, 2012

Listen To The World

I feel like the world is trying tell you something
when you're driving in a car really really fast.
Something like:
“Why don't you enter yourself in a board game tournament."
"You're gonna win.”
Something like that.
I think when the world tells you something, you should listen to it.
Drop what you're doing and listen.
Don't think, just say, “Okay, I'm in.”
Do that, and you'll prosper.
Do that, and you'll win.
Do that, and the world will roll you a triple six 
in the Parcheesi portion of a board game tournament.
Do that and you'll take home the grand prize,
you'll be pretty pumped,
and you'll say, “Yes!”
"The world is awesome!"
"I cannot believe I just beat everybody at Parcheezi!"
"I don't even know how to play!"


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