Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Wheel

I think the wheel is an invaluable invention
and I'll tell you why.
There are wheels on my town's taco truck,
and my town's taco truck rocks!
This truck will creep out of the shadows
to serve me Mexican cuisine;
It's one of those things like Sasquatch,
when you're looking for it, it will never show itself,
but when your down on your luck
face in the gutter, it'll be there,
like Sasquatch.
It's a pretty special phenomenon,
my towns taco truck,
and it's all thanks to the wheel.

I think the wheel doesn't get the credit it deserves,
and I'll tell you why I feel this way,
their are funny puns based off of the word wheel.
Like, when somebody asks,
"Hey, Ian you going to hunt down the elusive Taco Truck tonight?"
I can say, "I wheel."
Or when someone asks, are you going to finish that guacamole spread,
I can respond, "You bet I wheel,"
Or even when somebody asks me something serious and morbid like,
"Ian, your grandmother, she might not make it,
I assume you'll be there to pull the plug if she needs it,
I can retort, "I wheel..."
And I wood! And that's wood with two "O's,"
but that's just another contribution the wheel has rolled on to the

When it comes down to it, I think the wheel may be the most invaluable invention man has ever sculpted, and granted their are sculptors who have actually sculpted actual sculptures.
The wheel is just so much more outspoken than those.
I mean the statue of David, the Mother of Russia, the little mermaid- even though her film was amazing- I think the wheel is more modest and radiant in design than all those combined.
I'll tell you why the wheel has a special place in my heart, and that's roller derbies...
roller derbies and monster truck shows.
These are two sports that I've never participated in, but
have frequently watched, and lemme tell you- as the guy in the back of the bleachers eating
a chimichanga and acting very excited, I think I have the authority to say
the wheel rocks.

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