Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Different Sequence

First I heard them say, "Let's save the whales!"
Then I heard them say, "Let's stop world hunger!"
Then I heard them say, "Let's eat the whales!"
Then I heard them say, "Whoa, wait, eat the whales?"
Then I heard them say, "Yeah! Eat the whales!"
Then I heard them say, "No, you can't eat the whales!"
Then I heard them say, "Yes, yes you can eat the whales!"
Then I heard a crunching sound in my ear drums.

This was a heated debate.
It happened right this morning while I was eating breakfast.
At such an unholy hour I became trapped in a triangle of aquatic mammalian tension.
My outlook looked grim just looking at it.

I remember dabbling on a bunch of different ways to include myself.
I could be the guy that yells, the guy that repeats what others have said in different ways,
the guy that whispers, or even the guy that gets really into moving his arms while he talks.

I was thinking that maybe with the proper timing I could drop
some tact filled quote of famous dead guy origins;
but in the end that just seemed like trap.

I knew the inevitable conclusion anyway.
It would turn out like all the others.
Like the diabolic discussion about protecting the polish,
the dreadful discourse on prohibition,
and the spicy speech on pro-abortion that came before it.

I had nearly resigned myself to this same old sequence too,
silently chomping away at my cheerios,
when all of a sudden the free speech inside of me manifested itself
into a cloud of righteous-protest-energy.
As sporadically as the conversation was created
I was bestowed with the power I needed to stand up
and convey my thoughts on the subject.

So I did just that, and before I knew it I was ordering pancakes,
two miles away, at a Denny's. It was stimulating.

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