Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Laundry Time

It's Laundry Time!
And I'm thinking one solid load will do it.
Because one load will have to do it, because one dollar (and 25 cents) is all I have.

It's Laundry Time! And a rare occasion, because I am incapable of washing my clothes
when they're not melting disgusting.
I need mustard stains, and kidney beans for Laundry Time;
I want my clothes edible and delicious when I wash them

Because it's Laundry Time!
And when it's Laundry time the stupid machine doesn't
accept my nickles, dimes and pennies, or my excuses, or my folding songs.

And because it's laundry time my mother's eyes twinkle
with a “look at my little man” sort of pride
but my pants don't smell as good as they used to.
And they don't dry all the way through like they should.

So no, that's not my skirt,
this isn't math class,
it's Laundry Time!
And this things intake valve just caught on fire!
And nobody else is around to put it out, so during
Laundry Time
I have to put out an intake valve fire
or die?
Nobody wants to die during laundry time.
Just think of that obituary.

So I hum a tune, the Andy Griffith theme song,
and the lumpy women next to me grabs my
ass in shivering delight, really cupping it,
and I pretend I don't like it.
Laundry time makes me angry and spiteful towards wonderful displays of affection.

And I think it's because when it's Laundry time
all my other chores become these little badgers on my back,
that just rip out the cotton fibers of my freshly picked flannel,
and any pride my mom had becomes lost with my favorite pair of linen slacks.

It's Laundry Time but I couldn't feel
more naked, and as my car tire flattens under
my load of flower scented undies
that women, that woman with rope fingers
and love handles approaches and
asks me if I need a ride home.
All I can do is nod and say, “It's Laundry Time!”

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