Sunday, April 29, 2012

Baby Gladiator

New-born babies
birthed with helmets
and spears.

Oh Baby Gladiator
you weren't forced to march
with the others.
You weren't stolen from your crib
and gently placed here.
You crawled here
on your own acord,

But tell me, baby,
how do you expect
to wield the mighty flail?
Will your juvenile sprints
be able to evade the lions'

What is it you want
Baby Gladiator?
Whose stunted gaze
do you wish to catch?
Or is it just for the
prize of pulverized
peas you fight?

If I'm to be honest, Baby Gladiator,
we all thought you
a scholar,
a Baby Gladiator of intellect,
one who would help,
not hinder,
but if you'd rather just
wave your broadsword at me
then fight,
fight Baby Gladiator.

Taste the milk of victory!
Gorge on the organic
Sesame Street Cookies of combat!
Tonight you'll be throwing
up on my shoulder.

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