Look around the room,
THIS is fancy.
My caviar is
glistening in the finest oils,
my oils are glistening
on the finest abs,
and my abs are just
THIS is fancy.
Half the men are wearing
suspenders and the other half
are talking with monocles
attached to their face
with nothing but they're there
THIS is fancy.
Where all good and cordial ladies
are wearing hoop skirts
you could fit a grain silo under
and where my mothers talking to the
and the mayor is smoking a cigar-
not listening to what my mother is
THIS is fancy.
Here the drinks are flowing
like the Exon vel Deeze and
the governor is sharing a drink
with the president when my mother,
fails to edge her way into the fancy
THIS is fancy.
So gird your loins
and bite your thumb
and for god sakes somebody
talk to my beautiful mom,
because THIS is fancy
and my mother can't get a word in edge