Friday, February 15, 2013

Motorcycle Dreams

If I get a motorcycle I want it all. I want the fastest, most sexy, rocking-abs-in-your-face-crotch-cannon on the market. You can't just half-dip your toe in the motorcycle swimming pool, you gotta dive!

If I get a motorcycle I want to weave in and out of traffic, I want to duck through red lights and zoom past stop signs without stopping because, let's face it, you can't just act careful on a motorcycle. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard!

If I get a motorcycle I want to be real cool. I want long hair, a cool jacket, one of those spiked helmets, and a babe on the back hanging on to all my sweet biker gear. I also want two other babes, on side cars, complimenting the babe that's directly behind me - I want a tri-wing babe army!

Wow, that sounds cool.

If I get a motorcycle I want to be the king, but if I get a motorcycle I feel like I'm going to die. Really quickly.

So that's why, If I get a motorcycle, I'm going to need at least 3 big dudes at my funeral to take a stand and say, "Ian was pretty rad." Otherwise it won't be worth it.

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