Friday, February 8, 2013

Dramatic Poem

Who doesn't love a good dramatic poem?
I'm talking about a poem that
makes you cry, a lot.

I'm talking about a poem that makes you
cry so much you just
waste away in the chair you were sitting in;
cry so much you just soil yourself
right in the chair you were sitting in;
cry so much that you 
stain your petticoat,
roll on the floor sobbing,
and then stain the petticoats of 
those that flock to your side
to comfort you.
I mean, that sounds great time to me.

Who doesn't love a good couple of verses,
or even 85 versus, all working together in
unison to make you burst into
a water-factory of woe.
A good dramatic poem
pulls you into
a depth of melancholy 
you never thought possible.
Those kinds of poems are my favorite.

I can't stand poems that aren't dramatic.
Those poems and the poets that write 
them should all explode on conveyor belts.

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