Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Being Vigorous

Whenever I'd come home from school, 
fourth-graded and shy,
chubby and disheartened,
walking slowly to my bedroom.

My dad would always say, 
"Son, you need some vigor!"
"Get on a bike! Move around!"
And when that didn't work,
he'd say,
"I'll bribe you."

So growing up, I learned to hate
being vigorous. 

I'd slop around the house with the consistency
of soup.

I'd gloop to the bus stop in the morning
like sludge on the bottom of trash.

I'd stoop around town in my mothers
mini-van, demanding she take me 
to some trading card game tournament 
or to some dumpster
full of pizza.

I'd do anything I could to be 
ludicrously lazy, but I like the way
I turned out.

I just hope any potential
children I may father feel
the same way.

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